Why does KCR sport an arm band?

With K Chandrasekhar Rao in the spotlight thanks to his frequent tours to garner support for his Federal Front of regional parties ahead of the election results on 23 May, the arm band he sports has piqued the curiousity of those from outside Telangana. 

This is the `Imam-e-Zamin’ that his admirers tie around his right arm before he sets out on a journey. This traditional cloth in red or maroon colour is tied wishing safety.

The story goes that the Prophet’s son-in-law saw a man slaughtering a deer and he stopped him from doing so. He told the man that the deer was trying to convey that she had two hungry fawns to feed and return. The man was surprised but agreed to let the deer go after tying a piece of cloth to its leg. The Prophet’s son-in-law who had stood guarantee for the deer’s return, stayed with the man as hostage and offered to be slaughtered in case the deer did not return. When the deer returned, the man was surprised. He was moved when he realised the Prophet’s son-in-law’s identity and apologised. The deer was set free. 

Telangana Home minister Mahmood Ali (seen in the photograph above) is the one who often ties the Imam-e-Zamin on KCR’s arm. It was a permanent fixture during most of KCR’s public meetings. 

You may be interested to know Why KCR drops coins in rivers. Read here.

It is a practise for KCR to have the Imam-e-Zamin tied to his arm before he embarks on important assignments. The arm band was conspicuous by its presence during his 2018 visit to Chennai to meet MK Stalin (photo below). But on Monday perhaps because he was calling on the DMK chief after a visit to the temple in Srirangam, the arm band was not tied.

Follow the leader is the mantra in the TRS. Copying KCR, other ministers too have started sporting the Imam-e-Zamin. Here Education minister Jagadish Reddy (photo below) is seen wearing one during his recent election campaign in Suryapet district.

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