Congress leaders meet Telangana Governor, sparks fly

It has become inevitable that whenever Congress leaders in Telangana meet Governor ESL Narasimhan, there are fireworks at Raj Bhavan. Monday was no different with a sharp exchange of words between Narasimhan and senior Congress leader Shabbir Ali. Read : The story behind KCR's arm band Officially, the delegation of opposition leaders which included the … Continue reading Congress leaders meet Telangana Governor, sparks fly

Two Nizam-time palaces to become history in Hyderabad

Last Thursday, Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao received an SOS from Nawab Shafath Ali Khan, Secretary of the Legal Heirs association of Nawab Fakr-ul-Mulk. It contained a request to the Telangana chief minister not to demolish the Errum Manzil (also spelt as Iram Manzil) palace in order to construct the new Telangana Legislative assembly, … Continue reading Two Nizam-time palaces to become history in Hyderabad

Restoring Hyderabad’s heritage, minaret by minaret

The Moazzam Jahi Market in March 2018 (Photo : Arvind Kumar) In March last year, Prinicipal secretary Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Arvind Kumar announced that on the advice of the then Municipal Administration minister KT Rama Rao, he was adopting the Moazzam Jahi market, one of the heritage structures of Hyderabad, for restoration. Kumar … Continue reading Restoring Hyderabad’s heritage, minaret by minaret

Hyderabad’s Osmania Hospital is in ICU. KCR needs to save it

With the Centre unwilling to part with the Bison Polo Ground in Secunderabad to build a new Secretariat for Telangana, four blocks of the present Telangana Secretariat are to be demolished and a new building to come up at the same spot. Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has been on record to state that the … Continue reading Hyderabad’s Osmania Hospital is in ICU. KCR needs to save it