Jagan would be circumspect to accept LS Deputy speaker post

While it is certain that the Narendra Modi government will appoint an MP who it trusts can control the proceedings of the Lok Sabha, all eyes are on whether it will follow convention when it comes to the Deputy Speaker's post.  In the previous Lok Sabha, it had given the post to M Thambidurai of … Continue reading Jagan would be circumspect to accept LS Deputy speaker post

The Lok Sabha verdict – Takeaways for the TRS

If Telangana was a classroom, the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) is like that ambitious student who aimed for a 100 per cent score in all the 16 subjects. Which is why when it cleared only nine papers, there was huge disappointment with the 56 per cent performance. On the other hand, the Congress and BJP … Continue reading The Lok Sabha verdict – Takeaways for the TRS

Punjab candidate suspects his family betrayed him, sobs on camera

When the counting began in the Jalandhar (Reserved for SC) Lok Sabha constituency on Thursday, Neetu Shuttern Wala, an Independent candidate, was a heartbroken man. This was because he had polled only five votes.  During a media interaction, Wala started sobbing while revealing that there were nine votes in his own family and he suspected … Continue reading Punjab candidate suspects his family betrayed him, sobs on camera

The 5Ws and 1H of India’s Election Jandhan Yojana

About two weeks back, the chief minister of a prominent state in India laughed aloud in a mocking way when asked during a private meeting if candidate of mainstream parties were spending up to Rs 25 crore each this Lok Sabha election.  ``It is much, much more,'' he whispered. It was subsequently revealed that the … Continue reading The 5Ws and 1H of India’s Election Jandhan Yojana