LeT terrorists have sneaked into Tamil Nadu disguised as Hindus : Intel alert

Tamil Nadu is on high alert after intelligence inputs to the state agencies indicated that a six-member Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) team had entered the state through Sri Lanka. This group that reportedly consists of one Pakistani and five Sri Lankan Tamil Muslims are said to have disguised themselves as Hindus and may carry out terror attacks … Continue reading LeT terrorists have sneaked into Tamil Nadu disguised as Hindus : Intel alert

Lanka puts India in danger zone

This is easily the most disturbing video you would have seen in a long time.  Here you have a self-proclaimed jehadi, with finger digits missing and face distorted, presumably because of some explosive action, declaring in the name of Allah that he is going to kill all those who have harmed Muslims.  https://twitter.com/sunnewstamil/status/1122119811176157184 The man is Rilwan Hashim, sitting … Continue reading Lanka puts India in danger zone

Sri Lanka. A nation mourns. And prays

https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1120573391126323202 Abu Khalil. That's the IS-given nom de guerre of the man captured on CCTV with the backpack, the suicide bomber who blew himself up along with 110 others at the St Sebastian's Church in Negombo. It took more than 48 hours for the Islamic State to claim responsibility and thereafter identify the group members (by … Continue reading Sri Lanka. A nation mourns. And prays